Saturday, March 26, 2011

why would you care

has the world really trained us all to become so self centred that we sit around saying that the person we'll be with for the rest of our lives will accept us for who we are?
how stupid do you have to be to really believe that?

I mean, yeah, the person will love you no matter what, but dude, seriously... they won't want to spend their whole lives being all like "it's a quirk... hehe... -.-"
I kid you not, it may be cute a few times, but after a while, people can get annoyed. it makes them wish you'd learn to do something other than your usual routine. and while that may be difficult for some people, i believe that girls find it easier.
Girls adapt much faster and girls like that feeling of making their other half proud, therefore girls will try their very besterest to get along with friends, and look nice for their other half. Problem is, other halves don't usually care, or notice that a girl does this (until he no longer has this - which is understandable)... here's the thing:
girl no longer feels appreciated > tries harder > still doesn't feel appreciated > girl talks to guy.

Things can go two ways with this last one..
1. guy listens and tries to do things which let the girl know that he's paying attention and that he appreciates it.
2. guy can not give a crap and just keep doing what he wants to do because the girl loves him anyways, so he doesn't have to try.

see the problem here? see which one's easiest to do?

and that, is why so many marriages become loveless.
even if they don't get a divorce, there is no longer happiness in being with each other... but there they are, devoted to each other none the less.
and when they do get a divorce, it's painful, but at least they get to try happiness again...

so, treat your women with respect, love, gentleness and adoration because they try a lot for you.
and women, let your man know that you love him and you're there for him. but if he doesn't bother, and you notice that he has the tendency to act like a kid, RUN! RUN FOR YOUR FUTURE MARRIAGE'S SAKE! :P

also, Men... Act like MEN! far out... don't sit around waiting for mummy to do something, or your woman to cry before you defend her... DO SOMETHING!
Damn it man! Run the fricking red light!*

*metaphor... don't actually run red lights... that's illegal and dangerous.

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