Saturday, January 15, 2011

bedtime stories

to my special friend, i apologize for not blogging yesterday...
I had planned to save it for after I'd come home from the birthday dinner my parents had arranged with my "friends" from dad's work :P
but since we came home late, parent bots said i had to switch off computer and go to bed... which i argued with profusely!

I still need to get my birthday present with fatty... which I'll talk to him about when he gets home from work soon... I KNOW, RIGHT! It's a saturday and he's WORKING!?? It's okay... everyone does.

anywho, back to last night.
We arrived at the Chinese Restaurant (that's actually its name... goes to show how creative Koreans really are) and were ushered to our table. First to arrive were Fernanda and Pedro, the director of this entire project and my dad's boss. They gave me the CUTEST earrings!! Me and Fernanda are like *twisty fingers* THIS!
then Rodrigo got there and gave me and awesome cushion and mug from Angel-in-us. so YAY!
and then Carlos got there. He was late because he'd totally forgotten and went home to take a nap :P

dinner was eventful and we all talked about fun things and Pedro kept helping me on the Vespa front. He's a good man. And then after the food, our waitress brought in a styrofoam box with a giant BASKIN ROBBINS sticker on it. it was quite anticlimactic... but YAY!! mummy bought me a surprise cake! IT WAS SO YUMMY!!!
There were icecream stars on top and cool candles! i liked it!

After dinner, Pedro, Fernanda, Parents and moi went to a bar called Aarsgard Porten which is owned by Justin, a guy who works for dad's company... and we listened to some pretty good music... 'twas LOVERLY!

now, for the ranting... and pointlessness:
did you know that Korean women are still oppressed? It's quite ridiculous.
They still have every right to study, get jobs and become women with careers, but if a woman is over 25 and unmarried, she doesn't expect to EVER find a man. and men don't like the idea of marrying a woman over 25, so they rarely do.
not only that, but women, married ones, have no right to stand up to a decision their husband has made... that is, if he even includes her in what he's trying to decide.
it's sad. but it's culture.

Alright, I'll write another blog post tonight to make up for the lack of blog post last night.

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