Sunday, January 23, 2011

figured out the answer to one of the most important questions i've been asking.

and THESE are the reasons why me and my parents can't have a reality TV show:
ONE: We speak two different languages... we'd need subtitles for the Portuguese... and some people just can't stand reading during movies.
TWO: someone would end up calling social services on us... seriously... It's not like we actually hurt each other!! :P
THREE: we bad-mouth people we know jokingly... kind of... it's like a family thing... we understand each other...

Why do I say this?
here's some of the gold that I got from my parents today... (Translated from Portuguese.)

Mum: "YOU CAN NOT CHANGE ANY OF THIS!!! It's the perfect plan!"
Me: "Of course she'd say it's perfect..."
Daddy and Me: "She came up with it!" *HIGH FIVE!!*

Dad: "Woman, it's a joke... LAUGH!!!"
Daddy: *informing me* "You can talk to people like that when you're 48..."
Mum: "Shut up, you!!"
Me: "whhhhaaa....?"
Fatty: *straight faced* "You can talk to people like that when you're 50."

to be honest: to me, this is genius!

Ahh... love my parents.

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