Sunday, January 16, 2011

to connect!

back to my lack-of-emotion theory.

Maybe due to the presentation of so many things of a bad nature, people protect themselves by shutting down like a mechanism. Yet it seems like when they care about something or someone who is going through a hard time they may not have an exact emotional response, but when one truly cares, one would help... try and fix it, you see... Sometimes, fixing it would be as quick and easy as pressing a button...
fixing it could come in the shape of a hug, or a kind word. Fixing it is difficult...
But it's how we show we care, whether we succeed or not. The important thing is making the effort. 
But why? 
Do we go on this mission to fix without without any emotion, like zombies? What emotion does one tie with strong will or determination? I have no idea... Maybe it's anger, pain, happiness, excitement.

The heart is a funny thing... It's a vital organ, yet it's connected to emotions which appear to be controlled by hormones and the brain...
where did the term "heartbreak" come from? why does it seem like my chest aches and tightens? why is it that sometimes my heart literally feels like it's breaking or rising in my chest? why do i always get sick at least two days before getting on a plane? everytime. without fail.

Heart ache, pain, distress, anger. Everyone understands that feeling. feeling empty, lonely and lost. when times like that bring me down, I realise i still feel. It's a little bit comforting. It sucks, but it's there. 
Well, i guess i'm wondering a lot because of music nowadays. Not any music, but this top 40 stuff, written by the young people whose only reason to make music is to make money. Catchy tunes with no meaning. And still people talk about these songs like they're accomplishing something. They're good for making people dance and forget what's going on in their lives while they drink and do other meaningless things. Feel-good songs is what I call them. yet music is something incredible that has a million languages and can overcome a million barriers... if not more.
I personally can not live without them.

So, when Miley Cyrus writes a song about how hard it is to be a girl in a time when guys don't care too much about how we feel emotionally and/or about life being tough when one has to wait around while men control our lives anyway, i'll start getting impressed.

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