Monday, January 3, 2011

the horse is hilarious

korean movies are weird.

sorry i didn't blog yesterday... moved into a different house and had no interwebs.
now, i'm living in the sheills' house.
i must admit, i'm loving being with teenagers.
Today, was the football party (which they usually have every boxing day but this year it had to wait) and i wasn't entirely useless :P
I must admit, matthew helped me not look so bad.

it's really interesting when you haven't seen people in a very long time... you have preconceived ideas of who they are and how they'd act, but in this case, and especially due to our ages, everyone has changed dramatically.
maturity sure looks good on people.

being able to hang out just for the sake of hanging out, not having a bedtime, and philosophising about life with people you feel very comfortable with seems so amazing.
and for people who've been able to have the same childhood friends with them for most of their life, i think it must be one of those things they don't appreciate.

the good thing though, is that after my "time of growth" (let's call it that) in america, i've learnt the importance of keeping in touch with the people you've chosen to surround yourself with.
and now, after this experience, and being with friends who've always cared for you, i need to make sure i keep them around just in case :P

i'm happy i've found that.

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