Saturday, November 27, 2010

Things I have learnt from my non-brothers over leavers' week

Ryan: It doesn't matter that a person doesn't understand what you're implying when you're making fun of them, it's still hilarious! Also, that if something has been written on a setlist, it goes! :D

Owen Hopewood: <that in itself is funny!
How to turn a guitar into a stool, that life is always better when you're excited about everything, and how amusing it is when someone else's name gets misspelt.

Sean: BESTIE!!! When performing, to not use a "disclaimer"
Taught me that Superman can drop you off at a job interview :P

Bradley: What the best snares are made from, how, where, who buys them, and the importance of taking one's shirt off in the first set.

James: That the good days are the ones when you haven't died... from going 4-wheel-driving by holding onto the back of a 4-wheel-drive...
how to manage a band; how electricians and sound guys change their attitudes when there's a lady around; and how to better discourage authority! YAY!!

Jeff: That it's never "Dull" to listen to the same two songs repeatedly (see what i did there?); how to pluck up the courage to sing for the first time with a mic; that when you're super good on the guitar, you can pick up a ukulele and do whatever you want with it; and how in less than a month, it's all just like family...
and you and James also taught me how boys think, and just how socially retarded christian boys are.

Thanks for everything guys!
and for a great week!

if only they read my blog and actually knew how great it would be to have guys like them as brothers.

PS one day I'll think of that word.

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