Friday, December 17, 2010

change of plans

family i was planning on staying with in Portugal... well, they don't want me there anymore... i mean, i'm still gonna be with them for a while, but not the whole time i'm there... see, the plan was get there on the 18th, stay with a nice couple for two days, then go and live with this family till 7th of jan when i would go to korea.
now, i'm only gonna be there for like... maybe a week...
i'm gonna have to go around frantically asking anyone if they have room for me.
the good thing about that though, is that i'll be in portugal. every second person there is like family to me... (okay, i exaggerate a little... but whatever)
I'll have someone to stay with... i hope.
you know what's really sad though...? I have no definite person to spend christmas OR my birthday with.
i might just ignore my birthday this year...

i feel kinda rejected, but that's alright.

there's one thing that seriously bothers me and that's being "JUST Ana Vicky"... or in other words, the friend.
I'm not sure if I've ever heard another girl complaining about being the friend, and usually it's guys who have this problem.
But still, it's not like i want my guy friends drooling all over me and stuff or wanting to go out with me... but at the same time, it would be nice to have the odd "i have a bit of a crush on you" thing going on every once in a while... like, you know, how girls ALWAYS have a guy that they kinda like even if they don't really like them... makes sense in my head!! but to actually one day be the girl who a guy secretly wants around because he likes her and not just because she's a friend would be nice.
if you think about it, guys always treat girls they like better than their friends... regardless of whether or not the friend is a girl.
i'd love to be treated all special and precious like...
have a few guys tell me that if someone hurts me, they'll rip off their heads... that'd be lovely.

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