Sunday, December 26, 2010

getting old

not me... I'm still very young...
in fact, sometimes i see just how young i am... other times, i'm actually a little surprised at my own maturity... but there's still a long way to go.
Here's the thing though, i'm kinda scared to get old now.
Imagine it... acting like you know everything, needing help to move around, falling asleep on couches while people are talking to you, talking to people like they've got to do what you say, being completely out of date with EVERYTHING that's going on around you or in the world, having people yell at you because you can't hear, and treating EVERYONE who isn't married or 40, like they're little 5-year olds... unless they're younger, so you treat them like fetuses!

I don't wanna get old!!!
As much as I can, I think this is pretty good motivation to keep my body healthy, stay young looking, mentally young and active... I mean, come on... I don't wanna get old, sit in front of a TV and tell whoever's watching it that I wanna "see animals"... I don't wanna ask some teen if "the thing that's making the noise is that machine"... I feel kinda bad for them because we kinda lose respect for them...
I know that we still do everything they ask, but that doesn't mean we respect them... it just means that we think we should do what they want...
respect is something completely different... where their opinions matter, and that we'll do what they want because we believe they deserve it, or that it's something we do because we want them to feel comfortable right where they are with whatever they're doing.

i'm actually a little scared to get old... like actually old.
like 80 something and alzheimers! not knowing what people are talking about and noticing some eye-rolls because secretly, people have already heard this story a HUNDRED times... but they won't tell me that.

and on that note...
Merry Christmas (i didn't have internet) and Happy Boxing Day

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